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2070. 夕方に向かっていくひと時




それは心身のみならず、自分を取り巻く物事がうまく進んで行くことにも繋がっている。文章を絶えず執筆することは、自己のみならず自己を取り巻く事柄を前に進めていく上で非常に意味があるらしい。 今日は午前と午後に、二つのオンラインミーティングを行った。片方はプロジェクトも佳境に入り、もう片方はここ最近始まったものである。自分のなすべき仕事を着実に進めていきたい。 今日はこれから、「応用研究手法」のコースの最終課題について、昨日送ってもらった友人のラーナのレポートに対してフィードバックコメントをする必要がある。このフィードバックコメントも課題の中に含まれる一つであり、分量としてはワードに半ページほどのものとなる。

ラーナが割り当てられた研究手法は、 “difference in difference”というものであり、それを用いた彼女の研究アイデアと研究デザインに対してフィードバックをする。フィードバックに盛り込むべき事柄は、彼女の案について二つの肯定的な側面と二つの課題である。




No.703: Reflection After Poster Presentation

Even after my poster presentation, I was still thinking about my research; or I can say that I was still digesting each comment and question by the audience.

First, I’ll reconsider units of analysis. My previous idea was to detect a type of variability in each week’s lectures.

My targeted MOOC has seven weeks lectures, and I can reveal what kind of variability weekly lectures have.

However, it might be possible to capture a variability type in each lecture. Of course, DFA (detrended fluctuation analysis), which I’ll utilize in my study, requires me a sufficient amount of data set.

However, if I reduce the size of analytical units, it may be possible to detect a variability type in each lecture. I just checked my data sets, and I found that it would be possible to utilize DFA for each lecture, though the average number of data points is just more than 70, which is relatively small.

If I can reveal a variability type for each lecture, I can show a fine-grained picture of MOOC contents.

Second, I need to add one more perspective on my research questions. my original intention was to investigate the effect of the variability of MOOC lectures on the variability of leaners’ online comments and on the weekly test scores.

I plan to apply a simple correlation analysis and regression analysis. Here, I just wanted to examine the cause-and-effect relationship between lectures and learners’ activities, yet there is another possibility, which was pointed out by one of the listeners to my presentation.

I can explore not only the relationship between the variability of lectures and that of learners’ online comments, but also the relationship between the variability of learners’ online comments and weekly test scores.

I determined to add a new arrow between these variables. Groningen, 15:39, Wednesday, 1/31/2018



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